Friday, September 5, 2008

Peanut butter.... ?

I think it's incredibly endearing that my dear mum cannot throw away my jar of peanut butter ( which obviously conflicts with the organic, natural theme of the fridge) because she already misses me. Anyway, I am currently on hour 6 of my marathon wait at heathrow aiport. Being the completly neurotic nutjob that I am, I refused to trust T5 with my luggage and felt the need re-check it.....I didn't want to pull a Noami Campbell and kick someone when my precious cargo didn't arrive. That is officially my interesting story of the day.sigh. I am going to cry and drown my sorrow in a venti frappucchino. I'm just joking, I will probably just journal instead ( a big shout out to Chris Gaines for the inspriration). Anyway! . ....On a side note.......Ian Curtis or Nick Jonas?.. Adios

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