Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ta Ta

So I am sitting in a hotel lobby in Mumbai and realizing I haven't updated anyone for while. I have been pretty sick for the last week and I guess blogging was the last thing on my fever addled mind. I'm not sure what happened but my last week at Chaitanya was a bit of a bust and I didn't leave the room much. My dad flew in a few days ago and we have been doing some pretty "touristy" things ..which for the Carr family always includes a stop at the nearest book shop. Of course, I found a few items to take home as well as a few bollywood movies. It's sad but true; I have come to love the film industry here. I think it might be the shiny clothes and the all-male dance crews.
It's weird saying goodbye. I find the way of life here beautiful. I can't really remember what it was like to cross the street without hearing an orchestra of horns or argue over the price of water. I'll let you know how I settle back into reality. It's been incredible and I am grateful for everyone I met along the way. Thanks for keeping up with my journey; I appreciate it.


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