Much better today! I tagged along on a 'Trucker medical check-up camp" (quite a mouthful). CFI hosts these health camps every two weeks at various trucker stops around Pen. Although the HIV/Aids department are the guys that organize these, it's not just about helping those who live with Aids. These camps hand out medication for any pain or illness free of charge. As well as handing out medication, the CFI social workers also handout contraceptives and educate the men on safe sex practices. Basically the truckers show up, get a free sex ed class, get looked at by one of the two doctors and pick up any medication they might need. It's really cool and fully funded by CFI/CFN ( no strings attached - from what I know). The truckers were really comfortable with the social workers and had no issue opening up about queries they might have had. It was a fun day and a good way for me to get back to work after my little breakdown on Wednesday. At first it was a little intimidating being the only two women in a group of 250 but
everyone was entirely respectful and mellow ...well sort of...look above for the photo of the "balloons" hanging from a truck....yeah...I guess that's what happens when you hand out birth control to 15 year olds. Anyway, I hope everyone at home is happy and healthy. PLUS I added more photos to flickr! Remember search " Katy Emma Carr" and hit people = taddaa all my pics! Adios
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